what’s next?

Once you have the foundation for healing, advancing one’s spirituality flows more easily. Discovering and developing your gifts is key to an amazing life lived beautifully.

This is an online specialty community for those that have completed Perceptive Wellness Club; Shivambu Fasting Club or a similar program with a YHC (Yoga Health Coach or from Wellness Pro Academy training programs). Or any of Megan Macdonald’s training.

As you can imagine, this is a beautiful experience to explore and deepen our abilities. It is time spent advancing communications with “Source” (Creator, God, the Universe, Angels, God/Goddesses - how you associate with the energies of spirituality). Defining your dream and dharmic path to living life with a passion that will impact others.

We learn deeper grounding practices, chakra based breath body practices and learn more advanced levels of the chakras and our energetic beings. We are giving focus and space for spirituality to grow, expand and collaborate with the Universe.

The first Spiritual Advancement Club starts October 2024, following the end date for members in Perceptive Wellness Club. As a bonus: Members will also have access to Shivambu Fasting Club (for those who choose to explore this healing modality to further deepen spirituality).

Request your informational video

The best way to explore what this is about is to request the informational video (available by January 2024) . It will provide the insight and offerings available to you. Be sure this training resonates with your energy and desire to deepen your spiritual growth path.

One-on-one coaching/mentoring is apart of this program to ensure specialized attention to your goals and developing specific skills and attunement.

A retreat is included (more details as we decide on the location/environment that best supports our growth). Plus an online retreat, so everyone can participate!

The Spring and Fall detox/cleanses online are included as well. Liver Cleansing is part of this program to obtain optimal health and spiritual clarity.

Community continuance

Once you complete this one year online club, you can continue to a once a month live call, the seasonal cleanses and talk in the online group. This is an opportunity to stay connected with the people you have developed relationships and stay current on spiritual practices. It’s a unique place for us to share what we are doing for ourselves, our communities and how we have impacted the people around us.


Spiritual Advancement Club


Books that will be a part of this program are still under consideration.

There will be a continuance in Neurodharma by Rick Hanson. We will include more chakra books in this club as well.

Intuition development

Tuning inward and connecting with the energies that support us in this lifetime are possible through practice and development. This is where the FUN comes in!